Experimental French - Special Combat Ration - 24Hour
Experimental French -Special Combat Ration - 24Hour
A new experimental ration designed by the French. This ration is very unique containing many items never seen before and believed to be the experimental trail ration for the new French "First strike ration" . These are not available anywhere else on the market, it consists of a full 24h provision of dietary requirement with a calorie content of 4000Kcal and weighing in at just over 2Kg. As this is the first time the rations have been seen, there is currently no further information or reviews of this type.
Being an experimental ration they were given a shelf life of only 1 year ( pack date 06/2023 ) but will be edible for many years after this date.
BBE = 06/2024 ( items inside having BBE of between 06/2024 & 03/2026 )
Menu 3
Fish with lemon & pepper filling
Vegetable Filling
Chicken with rice
Pasta Bolognese
Protein dairy dessert ( vanilla )
Protein dairy dessert ( chocolate )
Whole wheat bread
Beef sandwich
Tomato & cheese wrap
Whole wheat chocolate bread
2x Fruit energy bar
2x Chocolate energy bar
Thickened vit C enriched fruit juice
Apple compote
2x Nut mix
4x Freeze dried coffee
10x Tissues
24x Water purification tablets
4x Hand wipes